Green onions are a vegetable from the same family as onion and leek, having similar properties and vitamin content as its cousins.

Before starting cooking, it is recommended to select green onions with bright colors and well-formed bulbs, which guarantee their crunchy texture and intense flavor.
If you don’t have much experience cooking with this ingredient, here are some tips to clean it and cooking it:

1.- It is recommended to use it as fresh as possible, previous cleaning is a must. Make sure to cut off the excess of the stems and their outer layer, keeping the light green part.

2.-It is better not to cook the stem and eat it fresh, otherwise it will have a bitter taste and it will also lose many of its properties.

3.-The bulb can be cooked and used in the same way as any onion; as the main ingredient or just to add flavor.

4.- For its correct storage it is necessary to wash it again, then dry it and store it in the fridge in a closed container. This will preserve its freshness and crispiness.

5.-Pan-fried green onions get a caramelised flavor and are excellent to eat with roasted or baked meat.

Green onions are also considered a natural medicine due to its multiple benefits.
Here are some of them:

This vegetable is diuretic and it helps to clean the kidney pathways

It helps to balance blood PH and keeps the skin clean

Is a natural source of antioxidants which prevents the formation of cancer cells
Stimulates insulin production in the pancreas

With high fiber content, it is recommended as a natural remedy for stomach aches