This are some of its benefits:
1.-It makes us feel happy stimulating the nervous system for the production of dopamine and serotonin.
2.-It contains antioxidants that produce collagen and keep skin hydrated and radiant.
3.-This vegetable absorbs liquids, helping to prevent dehydration.
4.-It contains a high amount of sulfur, which helps the digestive system by acting as a natural anti-inflammatory.
In addition to all of its healing properties, it tastes great. You can prepare it in the following way:
Broccoli with butter and garlic
A delicious way to cook it is steamed and pan-roasted with a little butter and minced garlic. First boil the desired portion of broccoli for one minute, then strain it into a container with cold water and cook it for five minutes in a pan with a tablespoon of butter and a minced garlic clove.
It is the perfect sider for a grilled chicken breast or a steak. Whatever the choice is, broccoli will be perfect.